151 Awesome Argumentative Essay Topics, writing a debate paper.

Writing a debate paper

  1. Will robots get to replace people at their jobs?
  2. Are the current technological developments necessary or should we focus in other things?
  3. Apple vs. Android.
  4. Can technology and education work together?
  5. Is technology making people to become less proactive?
  6. Can Artificial Intelligence be dangerous?
  7. Can a bank account be safe enough not be hacked?
  8. Are humans already totally dependent of technology?
  9. Is technology affecting the environment?
  10. Are video games harmful or useful?

College is for a high level of study. If you are in a college and want to write an argumentative essay, you should choose a topic of high importance. The topic should reflect your study and class level. You cannot choose school level argumentative essay topics for college. College level debates are of high intensity. Similarly, topics should be of high-level arguments. Arguments in argumentative essay topics for college include quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, reasoning, logic, references, and comparison. These topics require detailed research and reasoning.

Education is another interesting subject because it has very many areas you can focus on. From the best argumentative research topics in education psychology to curriculum design, you will never miss ideas to work on. Here is an essay topics list on education that you can use to pick the best option to write on:

Many of the debates that are happening today are regarding technology. Technology indeed changed our lives, but how much? Use these topics for your next argumentative essays:

Teenagers Topics

When it comes to the middle school, the argumentative essay includes moderate topics. These topics are mainly associated with their studies. More often than not, the argumentative essay topics for the middle school includes relative topics like sports, education, behavior, science, social issues etc. The amount and intensity of argument are not extreme. The purpose of assigning an essay to middle school students is to create awareness and help them to develop writing skills. When it comes to the high school, the argumentative essay includes the moderate study of the topic. The argumentative essay topics for high school students include all of the topics mentioned above. However, the study detail is not too deep. Generally, it does not include references and quotes in it. However, it is allowed to dig deep to provide the best essay on the topic. Take a look at this example below:

The argumentative essay has a different outline from other essay writing formats. As the main aim of the topic is to provide arguments and facts, it includes four parts. First, you need to provide background or introduction to the topic and its debatable points. Then focus on opponent’s arguments and their explanation. The third step includes debating their points and debunking them one by one. This is a very critical step. If you fail to decipher their objectivity, you will not persuade the readers into believing your arguments. The final step is the nail in the coffin. Writing to the point Conclusion will help you to convey your points to the reader.

These topics will definitely help you write a perfect argumentative essay or at least give you an idea. However, if the task still seems way too hard, don’t give up and order help from professionals. There are people willing to help you, any time of the day.

If you are assigned a paper about immigration, make sure to look for topics to write about from hot present and past subjects. Here are some great argumentative essay topic ideas on immigration to consider.

Writing a debate paper

  • logic

    Debating means almost the same as arguing. You have a standpoint on a certain issue and want everybody else to accept it. To have a better understanding of what debates are all about, we advise you to watch some videos of political debates. These are the best examples of how one should argue for a certain point.

    A winning debate has several characteristics that you should know and use when writing own debate essay:

    Basically, a good debate essay topic is any current issue that is of great interest to public and causes… heated debates. Yet, it does not mean you should pick any burning issue for discussion. It should be something you feel strongly about and will be able to argue for in your debate essay.

    👀 Choose debate essay topics wisely

    However, oral debates between people are certainly different from debating on paper and writing a good debate essay. If this is your next written assignment and you face some difficulties with it, we are ready to provide necessary assistance.

    Needless to say, you have to study as many materials devoted to the problem as you can and collect your arguments. However, you should also take into account all the counterarguments so that to refute them later in your debate essay.

    It is very important to study the topic of your debate essay thoroughly. What are the causes of the problem? What makes it so important to people? Why does this issue call opposing views?

    So, if you want to know how to write a debate essay and win the “battle”, follow these simple principles.

    Writing a debate paper

    There’s no point in making a claim if you can’t back it up. Whatever side you are on, you need to make sure you can backup what you are arguing. These can be findings from personal experience, statistics or scientific facts. They have to be included so that you are credible. Don’t forget to cite your sources if needed.

    A debate essay, also known as a persuasive or argumentative essay, is actually quite fun to write! You can express your opinion on something you feel passionate about. Of course, sometimes you aren’t given a choice of what to write about, but if you follow this guide, you will find the result is an awesome paper that you have written effortlessly.

    The entire time you are drafting your essay, you need to have your readers in the back of your head. You are writing for them, not for yourself. Who are they? What do they want to know? What do they need to know? The answers to these questions will dictate the tone of your piece.

    Part of what will make your side of the debate stronger is if you bring up and understand the other side. Doing this shows that you are reasonable and have thought things through. For example, you could use the sentence skeleton:

    3. Support Your Side of the Debate with Strong Evidence

    Every good paper has some key elements that set it apart from subpar essays. In this article, we will share with you some of those tips so you can get top grades for your paper.

    In case you’ve forgotten middle school times, the writing process goes like this: brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, drafting, editing and publishing. It’s quite a difficult process but very important, though. Doing each step will guarantee that you produce a well-thought paper. Brainstorming gets your ideas out. Outlining provides you with a structure. Drafting starts you off writing. Revising makes you go back and improve what you already have. Drafting again perfects your essay. And voila!

    You want your readers to be interested to read! If your paper is interesting it will be enjoyed far more than if it weren’t. The first thing that will attract a reader is the title, and the second is the first two sentences. This is often called the “hook” because you want to hook your readers’ interest and not let it go!

    These tips are extremely helpful in creating an essay that will captivate your audience and be enjoyed by all those who read it. It will be strong and memorable that is very important in a debate essay. Good luck on your writing journey. We know, you will succeed!

    Writing a debate paper

    This type of paper is assigned to train a student’s ability to debate. It can therefore greatly influence the public speaking skills of a person later on in their life. When writing an argumentative essay, it is important to focus on facts and information rather than personal ideas or preferences. The author may present arguments equally, or support one in favour of others. Regardless, the thesis must include all of the primary points (and counterpoints) that will appear in the essay. It is almost like a political debate with oneself.

    This strategy can be quite useful in polemical arguments. It aims to find common ground within an argument and eliminate unnecessary arguments. For example, if your topic revolves around the question of whether drugs should be legal, then you would need to explore the biggest issues on both sides of the argument. Here you can talk about the pros and cons.

    There are three main ways to approach an argumentative essay. These techniques will help you create a proper structure.

    An argumentative essay is a style of academic writing where an author presents both sides of an argument or issue. The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to inform rather than convince – that’s why this type of paper should not be confused with a persuasive essay.

    3 Ways to Approach Argumentative Writing

    Writing a debate paper

    Topics for College
    As we transition to the university level, the complexity of the question asked should also grow. With that being said, here are some challenging topics for college students:

    • Is there enough evidence to prove that news sources have biased agendas?
    • Would the legalization of marijuana as a recreational drug be economically justifiable?
    • Can we constitute Russia as a superpower alongside the USA and China?
    • What was the most influential technological advancement in the history of humanity?
    • Should we sacrifice some public services for lower taxes?

    • Apple vs. Microsoft: Which software brand is more useful for students?
    • Do violent video games have a negative psychological impact on children?
    • From a financial perspective, should one invest in cryptocurrencies?
    • From an economic standpoint, are electric cars better overall?
    • Has society become too reliant on technology?

    Writing a debate paper

    This type of paper is assigned to train a student’s ability to debate. It can therefore greatly influence the public speaking skills of a person later on in their life. When writing an argumentative essay, it is important to focus on facts and information rather than personal ideas or preferences. The author may present arguments equally, or support one in favour of others. Regardless, the thesis must include all of the primary points (and counterpoints) that will appear in the essay. It is almost like a political debate with oneself.

    This strategy can be quite useful in polemical arguments. It aims to find common ground within an argument and eliminate unnecessary arguments. For example, if your topic revolves around the question of whether drugs should be legal, then you would need to explore the biggest issues on both sides of the argument. Here you can talk about the pros and cons.

    There are three main ways to approach an argumentative essay. These techniques will help you create a proper structure.

    An argumentative essay is a style of academic writing where an author presents both sides of an argument or issue. The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to inform rather than convince – that’s why this type of paper should not be confused with a persuasive essay.

    3 Ways to Approach Argumentative Writing

    Writing a debate paper

    Topics for College
    As we transition to the university level, the complexity of the question asked should also grow. With that being said, here are some challenging topics for college students:

    • Is there enough evidence to prove that news sources have biased agendas?
    • Would the legalization of marijuana as a recreational drug be economically justifiable?
    • Can we constitute Russia as a superpower alongside the USA and China?
    • What was the most influential technological advancement in the history of humanity?
    • Should we sacrifice some public services for lower taxes?

    • Apple vs. Microsoft: Which software brand is more useful for students?
    • Do violent video games have a negative psychological impact on children?
    • From a financial perspective, should one invest in cryptocurrencies?
    • From an economic standpoint, are electric cars better overall?
    • Has society become too reliant on technology?


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