Possessives - Use master thesis or master s thesis - English Language Learners Stack Exchange

I also searched many an exclusively British corpus, but without yielding any meaningful results.

Use master thesis or master'

As suggested by snailplane, corpus searches are a good way to get a handle on which one is preferred.

    prefers master's thesis by a roughly six to one margin at the year 2000.
  • The Corpus of Contemporary American English prefers master's thesis (212 to 6). prefers master's thesis (384 to 82). Sorry, no direct query links here, since the site uses iframes and I'm too lazy to dig the URLs out. Search master 's thesis (note the space before the apostrophe) and master thesis. This one is a nice corpus because it breaks usages up by country. prefers master's thesis 23 to 0 (same search guidelines as above).

I also searched many an exclusively British corpus, but without yielding any meaningful results.

The relevant ELU question that choster linked discusses master's degree, which has the same form as master's thesis. The question is about apostrophe usage, but note that nobody suggested it should be master degree.

Grammatically speaking, master's thesis unequivocally means a thesis of a master. Master thesis can be read the same way, but also as primary, principle or main thesis.

As suggested by snailplane, corpus searches are a good way to get a handle on which one is preferred. Publishing their master's thesis is usually not in the minds of many master’s students when they start their degree programmes, except for those who are interested in an academic career. Technically, nobody really bothers about the thesis once he/she steps out of the university, but little did students know that a published work enhances a graduate’s professional credentials. Having a master’s degree is common nowadays, but a published thesis will be your competitive edge over other potential job candidates. You may not be the cream of the crop of your cohort, but your publication will surely be the cherry on top of your master's degree.

Benefits of Publishing Your Master'

 Benefits of Publishing Your Master&#039
<p>Publishing their master's thesis is usually not in the minds of many master’s students when they start their degree programmes, except for those who are interested in an academic career. Technically, nobody really bothers about the thesis once he/she steps out of the university, but little did students know that a published work enhances a graduate’s professional credentials. Having a master’s degree is common nowadays, but a published thesis will be your competitive edge over other potential job candidates. You may not be the cream of the crop of your cohort, but your publication will surely be the cherry on top of your master's degree.</p>
<p>Employers are always on the lookout for new employees who are not only hardworking but also have an inclination for academic knowledge and professional development. A published thesis shows that you have got that edge, because to get something published, especially in a credible journal, needs dedication, hard work and a certain level of expertise in a particular topic. Besides that, a published thesis will surely boost your eligibility for a PhD candidacy, should you intend to pursue one.</p>
<p>Another benefit that comes out of a published thesis is that all your hard work will not go to waste. Why keep the results of your efforts hidden when you can put them to good, even valuable use, by sharing with the research community and outside world? First of all, you carry out research on a topic that piqued your interest that many others might have the same interest in too. Your research may help to close some gaps in knowledge in the respective field and it makes other researchers aware that some research has already been done. Your research might even benefit various other members of the public, like article/book authors, business entities or government agencies.</p>
<h3>Wittenborg sets to increase publication of master's theses</h3>
<p>Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences is not exactly shy of lecturers who are PhD holders and experienced researchers. One such example is Dr Gilbert Silvius, who is not only a lecturer and pioneer, but also an active researcher and book author. To date, Silvius has published over a hundred academic papers and several books, and one of his master students’ theses has just been published. (You can find the article about this here). When asked whether it is important to sensitise Wittenborg students/graduates on the importance of presenting their research findings in journals, Silvius said that it is indeed important for Wittenborg because academic output is an important aspect of being a university of applied sciences. Indeed it is true, and for the new academic year, Wittenborg has put in place some initiatives to increase applied research in its curriculum, such as getting lecturers to actively identify excellent students who have the potential to be involved in research.</p>
<h3>The key to getting your work published</h3>
<p>It is common knowledge, though, that getting your work published is not a walk in the park either. And many students are also put off by this aspect, as it requires further hard work and nerves of steel after graduation. But according to Silvius, the key is to start from the very beginning. Silvius advised that students who wish to publish their theses should work with a supervisor who is regularly publishing on the topic they are interested in. They are the best persons to guide them and ensure that the thesis is of a publishable quality. They should agree on the topic both are interested in and inclined towards. Students need also to work closely with the supervisor in the development of their theses and be open to the supervisor’s ideas, and able to integrate these ideas into their own study.</p>
<h3>Knowledge is valuable only when shared</h3>
<p>To sum up, getting your work published will reward you with a sense of satisfaction and self-actualisation. Commenting on this, Silvius agreed and said that for students, a publication, whether professional or academic, is stimulating and something to be proud of. That is true, even for experienced authors or researchers, as it helps to boost confidence and encourages more inspirational work. Even if you get critical reviews on your research, it is perfectly natural and it may pave the way for the betterment of your skills or for future research opportunities.</p>
<p>So think about it. Work hard on your thesis and share it with others. As Euan Semple asserts in his book ‘Organizations Don’t Tweet, People Do’, tacit knowledge has no value but explicit knowledge has value because it is shared. He adds, “The more we all open up and share our thinking … the more we will all learn.”</p>

Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences is not exactly shy of lecturers who are PhD holders and experienced researchers. One such example is Dr Gilbert Silvius, who is not only a lecturer and pioneer, but also an active researcher and book author. To date, Silvius has published over a hundred academic papers and several books, and one of his master students’ theses has just been published. (You can find the article about this here). When asked whether it is important to sensitise Wittenborg students/graduates on the importance of presenting their research findings in journals, Silvius said that it is indeed important for Wittenborg because academic output is an important aspect of being a university of applied sciences. Indeed it is true, and for the new academic year, Wittenborg has put in place some initiatives to increase applied research in its curriculum, such as getting lecturers to actively identify excellent students who have the potential to be involved in research.

<h3>What Is a Master&#8217
<p>A Master’s thesis is the last paper you need to submit before you get your degree. In order to pass, it needs to demonstrate your skills in a specific field.</p>
<p> <img src=

You should include all the results of your original research in your Master’s thesis. The main focus of the thesis goes to the thesis question and the answer.

How Long Is a Master’

The requirements usually vary from university to university. Moreover, it depends on the topic and methodology you chose. However, on average, a Master’

Do All Master’

Some practical Master’

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You should include all the results of your original research in your Master’s thesis. The main focus of the thesis goes to the thesis question and the answer. A master’

Is a Thesis Required for a Master's in Psychology?

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A master’

Why Write a Thesis?

In a nutshell, a thesis is a comprehensive summary of the student’s work and experience. Specifically, a thesis is a formal paper that requires the student to perform in-depth research and document their exploration into an objective psychological topic. The thesis is evidence of the student’s academic insight and intelligence. The topics explored should highlight the student’s core competencies and demonstrate their creative and critical thinking skills. Some master’s in psychology programs also require a thesis defense, which is an arduous public examination of the value and validity of the thesis.

What are Common Master’s in Psychology Thesis Topics?

Master’s in psychology programs offer courses in major aspects and branches of psychology. These include psychometrics, child psychology, personality disorders and social psychology. For example, the master’s student could write a thesis on the cross-cultural limitations of current psychometric standards. Conversely, the student could explore how the Internet and technology are creating new child psychology problems. The student could perform a meta-analysis of personality disorder research and search for new correlations or try to disprove statistical stereotypes. Finally, the student could even perform research on the socio-psychological effects of writing a master’s thesis.

Invaluable Advice

For students who must defend their Master’

As the student explores the implications between how their thesis’ concepts and conclusions can be applied to different situations, the listeners will naturally start paying attention and appreciate the unique viewpoints. Be sure to emphasize the positive aspects and avoid dramatic exaggerations.

Finally, point out the limitations of current research, but suggest applicable follow-up studies and connections to other current issues. Avoid dwelling on the unforeseeable future, but instead focus the pertinent value that your research offers today.

What does the APA Say about Master’s Degree Programs?

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), master’s degrees are stand-alone degrees that allow the student to concentrate on a specific area of psychology. For example, clinical, cognitive, counseling and industrial-organizational. Individuals who pursue a master’s degree in psychology have either two primary goals. First, they want to further their understanding of their target psychology topic. Second, they want to earn extra credentials and get additional training before they enter their doctorate program. In fact, certain doctoral programs will award a master’s degree upon completion of the thesis. The APA estimates that approximately 30 percent of psychology graduates with a master’s degree enrolled in a doctoral program.

As a summing up, most master’s in psychology programs require a thesis as part of the graduation process. A thesis is documented proof of the student’s competency and comprehension. A master’ As the student explores the implications between how their thesis’ concepts and conclusions can be applied to different situations, the listeners will naturally start paying attention and appreciate the unique viewpoints. Be sure to emphasize the positive aspects and avoid dramatic exaggerations. IUPUI faculty who reviewed Miller’

2016 Award Recipients

Abby Curtin Teare

Curtin Teare’

Another reviewer wrote, “

Curtin Teare said the history program prepared her well for her current role as Grants Manager at the Cleveland History Center. “

Karim &
<p><strong>Karim (right) with Nobel Prize Winner Mohammed Yunus at an International Poverty Conference in Washington D.C. Karim received a travel grant to speak about his work in Indonesia, as well as about his research on homelessness in Indianapolis.</strong></p>
<p>Another member of Karin’
<p>Karim explained his work on the thesis “
<p>Karim is currently an associate planner in the Directorate of Poverty Reduction, the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) in the Republic of Indonesia.</p>
<p>In choosing winners, the committee considers such criteria as originality, documentation, significance, accuracy, organization and style. To be eligible for the award, nominees must have received their master’s degree between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. Each winner received a $1,500 stipend and will be recognized at an April 11, 2016 awards reception.</p>

Curtin Teare said the history program prepared her well for her current role as Grants Manager at the Cleveland History Center. “
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