Persuasive Essay Examples for your Writing Help, persuasive writing essays.

Persuasive writing essays

Persuasive essay writing is also known as argumentative essay. It is a piece of writing where the writer uses logic and reason to show that your idea or point of view is more valid than another idea. You should support them with facts and logical reasons.

When you write an example for your persuasive essay, take help from these examples.

Persuasive writing is commonly used in ad campaigns where marketing wants to convince you to buy something. But it is not limited to marketing

An outline helps the writer throughout the essay. In the outline, the writer identifies which thing is to write in the introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion section.

Persuasive Essay Writing Examples

Persuasive writing essays

In a persuasive essay or argument essay, the writer convinces the reader of their perspective on a specific issue.

Here are some persuasive essay examples for different grades that can be useful for students. These are divided into numerous categories according to different grades.

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Persuasive writing essays

No matter how compelling your point is, you’ll need to use writing skills as a tool to convince readers to your side. A well-organized, five-paragraph essay will present your argument much more effectively. The structure is simple:

What do you want readers to do after reading your essay? Think of what action they can take once they are convinced of your point. These actions can range from letters to the school board, signing petitions, donating to worthy causes, or speaking out on the same issue.

Persuasive essays include substantial facts in support of the topic. Still, the main purpose is to convince the reader to agree with your position. Being aware of Aristotle's modes of persuasion will also help you craft an appropriate appeal to emotion, logic or credibility.

While persuasive essays focus on one point of view, argumentative essays acknowledge differing opinions and perspectives. Argumentative essays use logic and rhetorical devices to convince an audience to consider the author’s argument. They require more facts and evidence than persuasive essays to be valid arguments.

Appeal to Emotions

You can find a lot of persuasive essays in the realm of politics. Among political figures -- whether senators, congressional personnel, lobbyists, or presidential staff -- developing and using persuasive essays is quite common.

A persuasive essay has one main goal: to persuade the audience of a certain viewpoint. Like a sales pitch, your essay is selling your point of view. An effective persuasive essay appeals to the reader’s emotions and feelings to convince them that your side is correct. They require some evidence, but the primary evidence for your position is your opinion and personal experience.

  • The Introduction – Your introductory paragraph needs to be your strongest paragraph. This is where you'll present your argument or recommendation, including your thesis statement. The last sentence should conclude the thought while transitioning into the next paragraph.
  • The Body – The next three paragraphs should reinforce your initial viewpoint, thereby persuading the reader that your position is the best position possible. Each paragraph should present one reason for your opinion with evidence from your personal experience.
  • The Conclusion – Your concluding paragraph should reiterate your thesis statement. Then, sum everything up and conclude the overall essay to drive the point home. Include your call to action here.

You can change the world, or at least the perspective of a group of people, with a powerful persuasive essay. And, in truth, persuasive essays possess an element of informative essays. You'll certainly be educating the audience on an important topic.

Persuasive writing essays

The planning of an essay is as important as the writing process. If the planning of your essay is strong, the written content will be effective as well.

In order to get a better understanding of how persuasive essays are written look at the sample examples carefully.

Following the background information comes the persuasive thesis statement and it is usually the last part of the introduction. The writer forms a claim over the topic and attempts to persuade the audience.

Every paragraph in the body section leads the audience towards the conclusion. Here the writer provides a closure to the whole discussion by giving a summary of the major points and restating the thesis statement.

How to Start a Persuasive Essay

Persuasive writing essays

The only way that the audience will understand your point is when it is clearly stated with a logical flow of information. While giving shape and structure to your essay try to follow a logical format.

Also, when you write a persuasive essay, you provide examples from personal experiences as well. Only if they are credible.

For each key idea gather information and facts that will support your argument to persuade the audience.

Persuasive writing essays

Note: While students are working, there should be little interference from you. This is a time for students to discover what they already know about persuasive arguments. Use the Observations and Notes handout as you listen in to groups and make notes about their arguments. This will help you see what students know and also provide examples to point out during Session 2 (see Step 4).

“Our classmate Sarah finally got her cast taken off. She hasn’t been able to play outside for two months. For 60 days she’s had to go sit in the nurse’s office while we all played outside. Don’t you think it would be the greatest feeling for Sarah to have 10 extra minutes of recess the first week of getting her cast off?”

  • Analyze the work of others to see if it contains effective persuasive techniques
  • Home/School Connection: Ask students to revisit their persuasive piece from Persuasion Is All Around You. This time they will use Check the Strategies to look for the persuasive strategies that the creator of the piece incorporated. Check for understanding with your ELLs and any special needs students. It may be helpful for them to talk through their persuasive piece with you or a peer before taking it home for homework. Arrange a time for any student who may not have the opportunity to complete assignments outside of school to work with you, a volunteer, or another adult at school on the assignment.

    Session 2: Analysis of an Argument

    Persuasive writing essays

    • Endangered Species: Persuasive Writing offers a way to integrate science with persuasive writing. Have students pretend that they are reporters and have to convince people to think the way they do. Have them pick issues related to endangered species, use the Persuasion Map as a prewriting exercise, and write essays trying to convince others of their points of view. In addition, the lesson “Persuasive Essay: Environmental Issues” can be adapted for your students as part of this exercise.

      Work in cooperative groups to brainstorm ideas and organize them into a cohesive argument to be presented to the class

    Encourage partners to read their paragraphs to and provide feedback for each other

    Persuasive writing essays

    People often confuse persuasive essays with the argumentative essay but in reality, there is a difference between these two types of essays.

    The last thing to do when finishing the writing process is to recheck your essay. This is to make sure that your content is well written and structured. Revise and proofread your document a couple of times to get rid of all the mistakes and errors.

    In this, a writer chooses one side of an issue and prepare his argument with supporting shred of evidence. The purpose of persuasive writing is to persuade people and make them look at the other side of the picture.

    Moreover, drafting an outline helps the writer on so many levels as well. An outline is a plan through which the writer attempts to write an impactful essay. If the outlining is strong, the content will be clear and effective.

    Persuasive Essay VS Argumentative Essay

    Persuasive writing essays

    Once you have developed a plan and taken all the pre-writing steps, the writing procedure becomes simpler. Start writing your persuasive essay in the following order:

    The trick to make your persuasive essay effective is to do detailed research on both sides of an argument. The purpose of a persuasive essay is to convince the reader with his writing skills and information.

    The introductory paragraph is written to grab the reader’s attention to the main context of the essay. This paragraph is started with a hook statement which is an attention grabber of the audience. Draft the hook according to the topic and nature of the essay.


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