Here are twelve more fall leaf patterns (new this year!!) for even more of your autumn crafts and projects!
I received a request today from one of our newsletter subscribers, asking for autumn leaf patterns or a leaf template. Easy enough, I thought, plus I needed a little inspiration for new content ideas after our long three day Labor Day weekend, anyway! (Yes, I do ‘take requests‘!) (These leaves have since become one of our most popular posts of all time! So bring on the requests, ya’ll have great ideas!)
I use these leaf patterns to make the skirt for my art doll. The one I am using is kind of like a woodsy doll with fall stiffened material for the leaves. They hang from the waist. I also think that I will put glitter around the edges.
We are fingerknitting three chains choosing WARM colored yarns (Fall colors) and then tracing the leaf templates on felt, cutting them out, adding a slit to the middle and sliding them on our chain to create a Fall garland.
Related Pages: Twelve Fall Leaf Crafts, Flower Templates
I’d love to know what kind of cool projects you use these for. Please inspire all of our readers by leaving your fall leaf project ideas in the comments below!
I will use these to make white and black leaves and attach to make vines for my Black/White Halloween theme party.
I am using these for Gods Family tree and decorating the rest of the Sunday School classroom
with the leaf rubbings. thanks so much
- Read aloud two or three haiku, one at a time, with time for student reaction after each one. Ask students to respond with their feelings or impressions about what they hear.
- Post the previously transcribed haiku where all students can see them. Have students observe and read the poems to themselves
- identify subject matter and format criteria of traditional haiku.
- use traditional criteria to write haiku.
- use descriptive words to create visual images in writing.
- use visual art to interpret their own written images.
3. If using tablets or computers, allow time for students to complete their haikus. Then pair up students and allow time for students to evaluate each other haikus. Provide the opportunity for students to revise their haikus. Once all have had the opportunity to revise, project the haikus through the LCD projector and share together the finished poems.
Hand out the Haiku Evaluation Rubric. Together evaluate one of the haikus you read during session one.
- Do you see any similarities about these poems?
- What kinds of things do they make you think about?
- What kinds of things are happening?
Students will work independently to create torn paper designs for their poem backgrounds. As they finish, display their work.
Give students directions for affixing their poems to construction paper backgrounds. Tell them they will be using torn paper to make designed borders that illustrate the images or feelings in their poems. Show students how to tear construction paper to create a shape or design, if they need an example. Show how even straight lines should have torn edges.
Have you ever asked your kids to write and heard groans in response? I have! That is until I started encouraging my kids to write funny stuff. Suddenly writing was fun!
Humorous writing not only motivates reluctant writers, but aids memory and learning. Kids (and adults) remember funny material better.
Click the turkey image below, add your email, and the download will automatically arrive. By the way, if you like this material, I would love for you to share it with other teachers and parents you know.
The first step is to give your kids permission to use humor. Even the blandest writing prompts can be hilarious when young writers feel free to let their funny creative juices flow.
How to Get Your Kids Writing Funny
You can get the printable prompts here. SUBSCRIBERS>>> You’ll find your copy in the Subscriber Freebies Folder linked at the bottom of your email.
Can you say that subtitle three times fast? 😉 In the PDF, I share more tips for encouraging your kids to write humorous material. You’ll get a printable page for hand-written work for each prompt. You’ll also automatically receive the winter, spring, and summer versions. If you hate getting email, know that once you subscribe, you can change your preferences to Freebies Only. You’ll only be notified when a post describes a new subscriber freebie, which you’ll automatically have access to.
The third step is to be flexible with the form of writing. Allow your students to dictate their writing or type it depending on their level. By the way, I don’t think there’s an age range for these prompts.
'Our take-home message is to use paper notebooks for information we need to learn or memorize,' he explained.
'But if you remember a physical textbook printed on paper, you can close your eyes and visualize the photo one-third of the way down on the left-side page, as well as the notes you added in the bottom margin.'
Those who regularly use devices in their personal life were just as slow at entering the data as those that prefer analogue tools — which the team said suggests the speed difference was related to memorisation and encoding of the data in the brain.
Researchers from Japan asked 48 students to take down the details of a person's schedule using either pen and paper, a tablet or a smartphone.
Why you should always hand-write your revision notes: Writing on PAPER helps our brains remember information better than on tablet or smartphone
In their study, the team recruited 48 student volunteers, all between the ages of 18–29, who were equally sorted into three groups based on their memory capabilities, gender, age, preference for digital or analogue media/writing and other factors.
Given this, the team added, one may potentially be able to improve the recollection of notes recorded digitally by adding unique markups — such as highlighting, underlining, circling or adding arrows — the mimic written notetaking practices.
The main difference between a normal MRI scan and a fMRI scan is the results that can be obtained.
THANK YOU very much for letting us print the mini book template. You are so sweet! Great idea!!
Wonderful simple instructions. I’ve made this one page book before but I loved your instructions so much better than the way I was taught. I think I could do this with younger kids now. Thank you!
And after a bit of folding and a simple cut, ended up with foldable books…
Then watch this video to see how to turn one sheet of paper into a foldable book:
In today’s post: Learn how to make an 8-page mini foldable book from one sheet of paper! Free printable template so your kids can design their own books. Easy foldables idea.
Foldables are pretty fun! If you want to learn how to make different types of foldables, check out this link.
And if you’re looking for more fun art projects for kids, visit these posts:
Print out your template at full size or 100% on plain 8.5×11 printer paper. You can use white or colored paper, just don’t use cardstock or it will be too thick to fold nicely.
- identify subject matter and format criteria of traditional haiku.